Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Daniel Felton: IT Issues in the Kimberley

I really feel that the IT issue has enormous potential for Kimberly schools largely due to issues like the unique students, distances involved and continuing improvement in IT.
I feel we really must jump on the band wagon while we have willing and capable IT people who can make it work.

Issues I consider require addressing not in any particular order are:
  • Software range availability and currency.
  • An accessible database where teachers can upload their resources for use by other Kimberly teachers including experiments, programs, Cframework links etc, hot links etc. (quality controlled).
  • Chat site to discuss current education issues with other Kimberley teachers (not sure about if this would be a goer)
  • Reliable uptodate hardware is always an issue.
  • A whole of Kimberley policy to IT hardware minimum standards and classroom ratio's may be worthy of consideration?
Daniel Felton

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