Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Mydesktop Journal

A Journal is a list of comments in order of date.
It has a simple structure – entries are listed in order, much like a timeline with comments along the way.

What follows applies to a Mydekstop Journal.
Use the Mydekstop Tools button to create a Journal or add an existing Journal to your desktop.

A Mydekstop Journal can be restricted to its creator (ie personal journal), or made available to everyone in the school, or only to the teaching group and particular year level(s). In addition, the journal can be:
private – users view their own entries. Teachers view all entries.
shared - users and teacher(s) can view all entries.

1.. Try adding some existing journals to your desktop to see how people are using them. A good one to try is the Cathednet Video Conference Project Group Journal [Title is: Cathednet myCUCM Project Group].
** A hint for finding existing journals: Select Forum in the Property type and the search will find journals as well as forums.
2.. Create a Journal then add it to your desktop. Try adding a few entries to see how it all works...

Journals could be used for:
Narrative Genre: Story Starters, Diary Entries, Jokes, Anecdotes, Nursery Rhymes, Recount, Haiku,
Transactional: Postcard
Procedural: Messages
Reports: Reviews
Persuasive: Complaints

In favour:
You can decide whether students can see other student entries (modelling) or not.
You can have several Journals on the desktop at the same time.

Journal entries cannot be edited – only deleted.

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