Monday, June 28, 2004

Teaching with a Weblog - Timothy Johnston

Using a weblog (blog) as a class web page has the following features:
(1) A simple, easy-to-use, free web-based editor and free web page host server can be used, so no PC-based software programs (HTML editor or FTP) and no server accounts are needed,
(2) students require minimal training to begin independently publishing work to the blog, and
(3) the instructor’s workload to maintain the class web page is distributed to the blogger software and to the students. These features enable students to share their work with each other online, and make it available from and to any computer that is connected to the Internet.
This paper explains how to use a blog for teaching:
(1) The reasons for putting student work online are discussed,
(2) the steps needed to initiate and manage a blog are described, and
(3) the advantages of a blog as compared with the traditional method of creating web pages are presented.
Abstract of Timothy's Paper - presented April 2002
Teaching with a Weblog - How to Post Student Work Online

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